What is SGA?
SGA stands for Student Government Association. Our constitution states that our purpose is to represent the general welfare of the students of Penn State DuBois.
It is important to know your SGA representatives so if you ever have any questions or concerns you know you can take it to one of your fellow classmates. SGA members are always willing to listen and will do whatever they see possible to clear up problems and report back to the students. SGA members discuss all comments made to them and take it to whomever is most knowledgeable about the subject.
Who Comprises SGA?
The SGA consists of a President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Club Coordinator, 4-7 Upper Class Senators, and 7-11 First Year Senators, based on enrollment.
For more information contact SGA Advisors:
Rebecca Pennington, Director of Student Affairs, rxs163@psu.edu (814) 375-4766
Brittany Stanton, Coordinator of Student Engagement, blm5191@psu.edu (814) 375-4764